Caw! Caw! Caw, I say!

Yabloko @Yabloko-BlackByrd

Age 24, Genderqueer (she/they)

Crow artist

Crow School, I guess

The Forest

Joined on 8/22/14

Exp Points:
839 / 900
Exp Rank:
Vote Power:
5.14 votes
Town Watch
Global Rank:
B/P Bonus:
1y 2m 19d

Yabloko-BlackByrd's News

Posted by Yabloko-BlackByrd - 2 weeks ago

Some time ago, right around the debut of the Pride Collab, I have reached over 100 fans! I would like to take the time to thank all of y'all for making this happen.

I'm extremely tired right now so I don't have much to say. Just wanted to make this news post before I forget.

Posted by Yabloko-BlackByrd - June 18th, 2024

Filled out the Art Fight card! As stated before, I'll be on Team Seafoam!



Posted by Yabloko-BlackByrd - June 15th, 2024

Hey there! Sorry for being my usual quiet self recently and not posting anything art-related or anything at all. Lately, I've been really uninterested in making anything, instead spending my free time binge-watching cartoons and frequenting TV Tropes. I only drew a few times in my sketchbook during quiet moments at work, and even then it was kinda rare. I've been slowly coming back to drawing stuff and concentrating on actually finishing my damn projects for once.


In the meantime, I also want to announce that Art Fight is around the corner again, and as per usual, I'm joining! It's Seafoam vs. Stardust this year, and I'll be on Team Seafoam!


In addition, I also have a few mutuals join in for their first fight. Be sure to check them out and maybe send them an attack their way (links only work if you have an Art Fight account)!






That's it for now, I think. Tune in next post or something!


Tomska, I mean, Yabloko out!



Posted by Yabloko-BlackByrd - May 18th, 2024

Happy Pico Day everyone!

I had something planned today, but I got called in today to fill in for someone at work, so I'm really exhausted right now. I think my creation would be a little late, maybe by a day or two. I still want to finish it because I want to use it as my new desktop wallpaper, that'll be awesome.

Anyways, gotta take it easy and stuff. Don't want to push myself too hard; mostly because it's like 30 mins til' midnight and I can't draw that fast anyways.


Posted by Yabloko-BlackByrd - March 12th, 2024

It’s my birthday today. I am now 6 years away from becoming 30.

That is all. I was going to post a birthday art piece for the occasion but I’ll do it tomorrow.


Posted by Yabloko-BlackByrd - December 30th, 2023

I'm going to be on vacation for the first week of January so I'll make this right now.....


Happy new year 2024! Auld lang syne and all that.

Posted by Yabloko-BlackByrd - September 25th, 2023

I have a huge backlog of character refs that I've only submitted onto Toyhouse and nowhere else. I'm thinking of doing a mass upload of them but I don't want to spam too much. Would anyone mind me doing this mass reupload (spaced out between 30min-1hr apart, of course)?

Posted by Yabloko-BlackByrd - September 10th, 2023

I just got unscouted. I was scouting some undiscovered talents and I guess my judgements what good art was were shit because I'm now removed from the art portal.

No matter, hopefully I can get re-scouted again. I think I'll make a new art thread or something.

Posted by Yabloko-BlackByrd - August 7th, 2022


Posted by Yabloko-BlackByrd - April 11th, 2022

I just came back from vacation and found out we got profile shapes now. Finally my dream of being a many-pointed star has come true.